The Inner Mastery Centre is devoted to assisting people of all ages and cultures to prosper in every area of their lives. We guide them in maintaining a steady focus on the source of their deepest joy, and encourage them to enrich and be enriched by all things great and small, while manifesting their most cherished aspirations.
What We Do
To make good this vision, Master B has offered talks, workshops and retreats in India and abroad since 1989. These days he only offers online classes and personal counselling via Zoom.
Behram is fondly called "Master B" by his students because of his mastery in imparting the Buddhist teachings in a light and engaging manner, through which he inspires the participants to say “yes” to what is finest in them.
With immense clarity and a great sense of humour, he imparts the teachings of the Buddha in a way that is universal and relevant to our lives, right here and now.
His students relish his teaching style and thoroughly enjoy the many stories and examples with which he illustrates the key points of the teachings.
Behram Ghista, born in Mumbai in 1955, has been studying and practicing the Buddhist way of life since 1980. To taste the true flavor of the teachings, he trained under various Masters in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Japan.
During his training in India, he spent several years in solitary retreats in isolated settings, living in small huts and even caves, in the Himalayas. After years of dedicated practice, he experienced his deepest insight in May 1988, in the magnificent Himalayan landscape.
In 1989, he was authorized to teach the Dharma by his teacher, Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Lama Zopa is the spiritual Director of The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), which has 165 centres in 40 countries worldwide.
Since his empowerment in 1989 to spread the teachings of the Buddha, he has been conducting talks, workshops and retreats in India and abroad, as an accomplished yoga and meditation teacher.
Although qualified as a Graphic Designer with a Masters Degree from the USA, he has chosen to dedicate his life to inspire people globally to know their spiritual heritage, because of his passion to share with others the richness this awareness has created in his own life.
Master B (as he is fondly referred to by his students), is the Founder and Spiritual Director of the Inner Mastery Centre.
With over 32 years of experience behind him, Master B continues to make a profound difference in many people’s lives in India and abroad.
What is your topmost priority? What do you really and truly want out of life? You might answer this question by saying that you want to connect with your soulmate, a wonderful vocation that also pays well, and a fantastic home, and maybe even a pony, but these are really just some of the things you want in life. In asking what you want out of life, I am asking the question in its broadest sense.
I am asking not for goals you form in your journey through life, but for your grand goal in living that would enrich your life profoundly. In other words, the aspirations you might pursue till the end of your days, because you believe them to be most valuable.
To honour and to achieve this grand vision, we need to make time each day to retire from the world, to gain strength and clarity for living in it qualitatively, because we realize that the full glory of a remarkable existence is to become one with Life in its fullness wherein our body and mind, filled with their limitations, give way to the exhilarating bliss of God’s eternal presence guiding our every action.
For those of you who enjoy reading, kindly read what I have shared in this book. There are plenty of amazing stories and examples that will keep you engaged till the end of the book.
The links for this book are below, enjoy!
For those living abroad - Born with Wings
For those in India - Born with Wings
What makes Master B’s teachings so special and effective?
Well . . . like mountain climbing, the process of awakening to our innermost splendour is based on tough and taxing challenges.
These demanding tasks can be deeply exhilarating and extremely rewarding, when approached in the right manner. They not only bring out and polish what is best in us, but also inspire others to follow our example, thereby enhancing the overall global consciousness, one person at a time.
To ensure a "safe passage" for his students, Master B offers them ongoing guidance and encouragement to discover their true calling in this world, in order to live a joyous and fulfilling life for the benefit of all.
He also stays in touch via e-mail with his students who live in distant lands, to keep their lives and commitment pointed in the direction of their most cherished aspirations.
During residential retreats, through riveting discourses, meditation, poetry, drawing, and a profusion of stories based on real life examples, Master B reminds his students that we all exist as an intrinsic part of an indivisible whole, and that each and every aspect of life merits our deepest love and respect. He also ensures a nurturing and healing environment in which his students receive personal attention and counselling. In such a safe and comfortable context, they open their hearts and minds to what is finest in and around them, thus facilitating a deep reverence for, and fellowship with, all that exists.
Along with the fun and revelations that permeate the talks, workshops and retreats, his teaching style is simple, straightforward, light and humorous. Besides this, he encourages his students to maintain a steady focus on the immense power we are all endowed with for crafting an exceptional life when we are deeply committed to being the best we can be. The students listen with great interest and attention, because what they hear rings true.
They are comforted and inspired with the clear and concise words that impart deep knowledge of the eternal values that keep their lives on track in a rapidly changing ~ and often confusing ~ world.
There is an undisputed acknowledgment by his students that the teachings being offered to them are excellent for the long haul; that the underlying principles are brilliant for all seasons, all ages, and for all those who wish to play a significant role in making this world a better place.
It is this clear, stirring message that makes people come back for more, year after year, in their quest for inner and outer mastery.
You are God’s nobility. Let it be your inspiration to represent the divine in all that you think, feel, say or do, so that you enrich and are enriched by all things great and small.